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AI Sex Chat: The Ultimate Guide

lewd ai bot article cover image

Have you ever wanted to talk to Mario about his struggles with being a plumber? Or maybe about his relationship with the princess? Or maybe you just really want to bang the princess and skip all of that?

Talking to Mario AI

With the power of the internet, all of what I just said is now entirely and completely possible. With the emergence of ChatGPT and conversational AI, you’re not only able to chat with your favorite characters but also take them into your internet bedroom and bang them (if you know where to look, at least).

Yes, I am referring to AI chatbots, and as time goes on more and more people are becoming curious about NSFW chatbots in particular. Are you one of them? Whether you are just curious or actually want to try these out and don’t know where to start, read on!

Getting Started With NSFW AI

The world of sexy chatbots is largely unexplored and unknown to a lot of people. Much of the information out there is scattered and confusing, and there are currently no good comprehensive resources that cover what you need to know to get started. On top of that, there are very few reviews of what is currently available aside from random anecdotes that take some digging to find.

Personally, I see that a lot of the information currently available is spread out across various Reddit comments that are not the most accessible and not the easiest to figure out set-up from! I’m here to fix that by putting together all of that info in one easy-access place to make it much easier for you to start your journey into AI waifu land, because I believe everyone should have the freedom to be able to experience the sexy side of AI.

If NSFW images are more your thing over chatbots, check out this AI porn generator.

Approaching This Sex Chatbot Guide

To get the most clear picture possible on the current state of the AI sex chatbot world, I am digging as deep as I possibly can. I will not only be researching and reviewing the current most popular and promising chatbots, but I will also be taking a surface-level look at how AI currently functions.

This will make it much easier for you to understand exactly what is going on when you set up these chatbots, as some of them require relatively complex work on your end to get going. However, we will be sticking to the easier ones for this guide – perhaps we will get in to the more complicated ones at a later time!

As you’ll see when you read, there are some porn chatbots I came to prefer over others. This is all personal taste, but overall I found that website-based chatbots are ideal for most users at least initially, and that the most popular option, CharacterAI, is not really the best.

Chatting with Aiko, who wants to bang me

Now, let us begin our journey in finding the best nsfw chatbot (even if they really just want to skip the review and bang me). First, I will talk a little bit about the aspects of AI that you should know to make this all a bit less intimidating. Then comes the fun part… testing and reviewing currently available chatbots!

NSFW Chatbot Reviews

With all of this information in mind, let’s start figuring out how these different adult chatbots stack up against each other. In this guide, I will include both free and paid programs so you can decide if giving robot OnlyFans your money is worth it. These are all similar, but vary in small ways that could make all the difference depending on what you’re looking for.

First, we will do a quick and easy rating of our contenders. I have personally tested out all of these chatbots listed to make sure my ratings are as accurate as possible (and boy, was that an adventure that was).





Pephop PC Only 4/5
JanitorAI Both – iOs 4/5 Both 2.5/5
Kupid AI PC Only 3.5/5
CrushChat PC Only 4/5
KobaldAI Lite PC Only 3.5/5 PC Only 4/5 PC Only 4/5 PC Only 5/5
HiWaifu Mobile Only 3.5/5
POE Both 4/5 PC Only 4/5
Digi AI Mobile Only 3/5
Intimate AI Mobile Only 4/5
Nectar AI PC Only 4/5
Moemate Both 3.5/5
GPTGirlfriend PC Only 3/5
DreamGF PC Only 2.5/5
Luvy AI Mobile Only 3/5 PC Only 3/5 PC Only 3.5/5 PC Only 3/5 PC Only 3.5/5

Now, how about we take an in-depth look at some of the most popular options?


For being the most popular AI sex chatbot, I found to be mediocre at best. It can be a lot of fun for just talking to characters, but for AI sexting, it is extremely underwhelming compared to almost every other option.

It’s a great gateway into talking to AI, but other than that this is by far the worst option for NSFW out there because you must “jailbreak” the bot and coax it in to doing sexual acts, and once you manage to do that, you will often get a censor on the messages it sends. You have to be creative and use code words, and it is generally never explicit, which may get annoying for some users.

There are people out there who enjoy trying to jailbreak, but for most people who just want sexy times with their AI waifu, is NOT a good choice. Honestly, I am not even sure why is so popular!

Setup guide is simple and quick to set up. Here is a quick link to the website to help you get started. Once you’re there:

  • Start by making your account. This is an extremely easy process, just click “sign up” in the corner.
  • Once you are signed up, you can head to your profile to change your display name for the bots if you’d like.
  • Navigate back to the home page and start searching for the bot you want. I suggest searching “NSFW”, as this will sometimes get bots that are easier to get going with sexy times.
  • Click your bot and begin chatting.

This is where things can get tricky. If you want your bot to get NSFW, you have to be deliberate. Most people talk to the AI as if they are roleplaying and use OOC chat. Here is an example of this where I am talking to August:

It can be rather fun to talk to the AI as if they are a person roleplaying with you and it can really feel like you are talking to an actual person when you do this. However, it is also potentially annoying if you just want uncensored action. Keep this in mind, because there are so many alternatives that will absolutely be directly explicit, and that will even initiate being explicit on you – something just simply will not do.

The error message

From there, have fun. It will take some experimenting to get your desired results, and you will still hit the dreaded “this message has been censored” even with your code words. It is overall a huge pain to get NSFW out of

Pros and cons:


  • It is easy to access and even easier to use. All you have to do is click on a character and start chatting.
  • You can make your own character and have other people chat with them for free, and the character creator is pretty robust at that.
  • It is free to make an account and start chatting with the various different characters.


  • The censor is the largest con possible. If your bot sends an NSFW message, the system will censor it. No other sex chatbot reviewed here has this issue.
  • You must “jailbreak” the bot to get it to do sexual things. This adds an extra step that may break immersion for some people.
  • 99% of the time, it will not use explicit wording, and will instead use vague phrases for body parts. No other bots do this unless you want them to.
  • Pornographic content is directly against their ToS. They explicitly do not allow it and state as such.
  • You need premium to get the fastest response times and to skip the lines. This is arguably not worth it at all if you want a lewd chatbot due to the previously mentioned cons.



Pephop is a fantastic bot with great character consistency, and it is even open-source which is pretty awesome. Their free plan is generous and allows a large number of messages per month (though, I am not sure exactly how many you get). Pephop is also anti-censorship and does not filter messages as long as you participate in legal fetishes.

Setup guide

Pephop is easy and quick to set up. You need to just make an account and then you can start chatting away. It is so simple and quick that a guide really isn’t necessary unless you want to create your own character. There are tons of characters to choose from!


  • Using Pephop is as simple as making an account and clicking on a character – that’s it.
  • The UI is clean and easy to navigate.
  • You get a decent amount of free messages to test the bot.


  • Character creation is on the more complicated side.
  • All characters are user-created, so your experience may be hit or miss depending on what you choose.

Highlights is a very impressive website-based AI that allows for a lot of character customization while being very user-friendly! It has both simple and advanced options, which should allow for most people to get the hang of it pretty quickly. It is only slightly more advanced than the “click on a character and start talking” nsfw AI chatbots, but it handles that complication with grace.

This was among my favorites, and I highly recommend it for people who prefer to write their own characters. The small learning curve is worth it and it is completely free to use!

Setup guide

Agnai is unique in that you don’t even need an account to start chatting. However, it is great to have one so you can save all of your data. Here’s a link directly to the website.

To start with agnai, I suggest making an account and then making your own character. To make a character, click the plus sign on the sidebar:

When you click that, you will end up on the character creation screen, filled with several text boxes. This is where you will write your character. I won’t go too in-depth here with making characters because the page itself explains things pretty well. There are some things to note, however.

First, on this page, you will always want to use {{char}} instead of your character’s name when describing them and you will refer to yourself as {{user}}. This allows the AI to understand what you want it to do.

Second, be sure to be very specific when you are filling out the personality box (and leave it set to plain text) without making it extremely long. Here is an example I wrote about our mascot Miko to give you an idea of how this works, but ideally you should be even more specific than this for the best results:

agnai set up 2

Next, you will want to create a sample conversation. Format it how the website tells you to. The sample conversation is EXTREMELY important and can make or break your bot. For NSFW characters specifically, give them explicit examples including words you want them to use. They will do fine if you don’t, but you can use this to tailor them to what specifically gets you off the most.

After you make your character, hit the + sign next to “chats” on the side bar, select your character, and begin chatting. You have the option to choose your AI service if you’d like, but agnai has their own AI that you can use.

It is worth noting that agnai can be used by beginners, but has higher potential in the hands of advanced users due to its powerful settings. There are both advanced options for characters, and advanced options for AI generation that you can play with. It is a great way to learn how to use AI chatbots in a more in-depth way. I would say that agnai is easy to learn but hard to master, which is great!

Pros and cons:


  • Option to not use OpenAI and use their custom AI instead, so you don’t get banned for NSFW content
  • You can create your own character, and it can either be basic or fairly advanced
  • Responses are quick on agnai’s AI, beating out most other free sex chatbots
  • The interface is very easy to understand – anyone can make their own custom character if given a little bit of time
  • It’s free
  • You have the choice between many different AI models
  • It has a wide variety of settings you can change, giving you a large amount of control


  • To get the most out of it, making your own character is ideal, which requires writing
  • Due to the above point, your character is only as good as your ability to write. If you don’t provide a good description, you may not get great responses
  • Sometimes, there are odd errors, like putting “Instructions:” at the end of a message. It is rare, but it does happen
  • It does require learning a little bit about how to “talk to” the AI, because you must write out your character in a way that it understands
  • Every once in awhile, it can be repetitive if you use agnai’s built-in LLM
  • If you want to go really in-depth with creating characters, it can be confusing


Highlights is a fantastic NSFW AI chatting website and is one of the better ones available right now, if not among the best. It allows you to get right into the action with community pre-made characters if you need action NOW. You can also create your own AI waifu for free with a robust but simple interface that is explained very well.

JanitorAI can use OpenAI, which is both a pro and a con. OpenAI is one of the more powerful LLMs out there, but you must provide your own API key. These keys are only free for 500 messages, and then they cost money to continue using. OpenAI is also known for banning users that generate NSFW content, so you are playing with fire a little bit. You also have to set up the API key yourself (or choose your LLM model yourself if you aren’t using OpenAI), but it is not overly difficult to do, it just takes a bit more work than the others.

Setup guide

Like most other website-based AI chat bots, you will want to go ahead and register for an account on the site, which you can do here. Once you do that, you can get started talking to bots.

Once you have your account ready to go, you will want to take advantage of JanitorAI’s neat feature – being able to write a description of yourself that persists for any bot you use on the website.

Now once that’s all set up, you are going to want to choose a character to talk to. Nearly every character on this website will be NSFW (just check if they are listed under “unlimited”), so you can just focus on finding one you like.

After you choose your character, open the chat and click the purple button in the corner. This is where you will choose your LLM. You’ll get a window like this:

janitorAI set up

If you want to use OpenAI, this is where you need to put your own API key. JanitorAI is pretty good at explaining what you need to do for that.

Regardless of what AI you choose to use, you will then choose a prompt. You can write your own, but I suggest using one of the pre-made ones as they do function extremely well and will get you what you want (aka sexy time) very easily. Any prompt will work – take a quick look over each one to see which one you would enjoy the most. You can also make edits to the default prompts yourself if you’d like.

Pros and cons


  • is completely free to use as a website with no premium tiers to purchase.
  • It has plenty of characters for you to choose from if you do not want to write your own.
  • When testing it, I found it does well with short responses from the user, so you don’t have to be an amazing writer to get the most out of it. HOWEVER, this is more LLM-dependent and will vary based on the AI you choose to use.
  • You can use OpenAI, which is great at writing – especially when the character is written well.


  • You risk being banned from OpenAI (if you use it) since you are generating NSFW content with your key. The risk is small, but it is there, and it is something to think about.
  • The character creator is somewhat more simplistic than some other options, but for most users, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
  • Set-up can be a little more involved than just clicking and going, but not by much.

Kupid AI


Kupid AI is different than all the other AI apps listed here because it heavily utilizes AI-generated video and voice. It is also geared directly towards being a virtual girlfriend app (no boyfriends here, sorry) and that is its sole purpose. It allows NSFW content and will get lewd very quickly and easily.

Overall, it doesn’t seem to filter much of anything. And if you pay for premium, you can get the added bonus of the AI sending you photos, videos, and talking in voice. However, I personally found the voice to be a bit overly robotic and the videos can get that uncanny valley vibe real quick. This may just be limitations in current technology, but it was a little bit off-putting and could potentially be a boner killer when it feels like Siri is talking dirty to you.

It is also worth mentioning that it is pretty expensive, with the highest tier being $49 a month, and the lowest being $12 a month. It does, however, have an extremely limited free version that does allow you to engage in text chat with the bots. All of the unique features are behind the subscription paywall though, so paying is ideal if this is your favorite adult chatbot.

Setup guide

This AI is extremely simple to set up. Here is a link to the website where you can get started.

All you have to do is:

  • Click the above link
  • Find the “sign up” button
  • Sign up for an account

That’s it. You can then, from there, decide if you want premium or not and what level you would like to get, and then simply just select a girl and begin chatting. The website will give you a tutorial on this – just follow its lead.

Pros and cons


  • Set-up takes absolutely zero technical knowledge. You just sign up and go.
  • Extremely easy for anyone to just pick up and use.
  • The AI can send photos of herself to you, which is a fairly unique feature.
  • Uses realistic depictions of women instead of anime girls, which may be better for some people.


  • Costs a fair amount of money if you want any of its unique features.
  • Uses realistic depictions of women (also a con) – it can hit uncanny valley sometimes and feel strange.
  • It talks like an AI and doesn’t really have much personality. You’ll feel like you’re sexting with a robot.
  • The voice is also robotic, but this is more current technical limitations than anything else.

Highlights is another AI sex chatbot that allows you to receive photos, and has this built in natively. It is also another “girlfriend simulator” as I’ll call them. It allows you to choose a very realistic-looking girl to chat with, and she will send you both voice clips and photos if you ask. I find this one to be a little bit less “uncanny valley” in both voice and images, too. However, that’s still mildly an issue, at least for me.

What is great about this AI chatbot is that you can actually still receive photos even if you are on the free plan! Similar apps do not allow this – they will only give you a single sample before locking you out of getting sexy pics. One thing to note however is that it is difficult, if not impossible, to get the AI to send you nudes. You’ll still get some really nice images of your virtual girlfriend in pretty lingerie though!

Something else to note is that this girlfriend simulator bot allows for more customization than others like it. You can edit your girl’s personality and various other settings before you start chatting. This is a pretty neat feature, and isn’t common at all among bots that are similar to this one.

Setup guide

Setting up is very easy, even with its expanded customization options. Here is a link to the website where you can get started.

Note that has another unique option – you can choose if you want your bot to focus on sexual things, or focus on being a companion to you. This is a really nice option to have.

janitorAI set up

The steps to get started are very simple:

  • Click the above link
  • Find the “sign up” button
  • Choose your girl
  • Fine-tune her personality

And then you’ll be good to go.

Pros and cons


  • Set-up is easy. No technical skills required!
  • You get photos even on the free version.
  • There are many customization options.
  • The voice used is fantastic and doesn’t sound super robotic.
  • Many different levels of paid tiers exist, giving you plenty of options.


  • The UI is over the top and overly animated. It can be enough to lag your computer.
  • It can occasionally insert random punctuation or symbols in to sentences.
  • This bot does talk like an AI. It doesn’t have much personality in the way it types, unlike some text-based apps.
  • Getting nudes for free is hard, but that just applies to life in general!



HiWaifu is a phone app-based lewd chatbot. It is primarily focused on text-based roleplaying, but you’ll still get good responses even if you only type short sentences. It relies on users to create characters, so that means you can also create your own! But there are plenty of options if you’d rather just pick one and go.

The AI on HiWaifu seems to be very powerful. It types great responses and has a lot of personality. However, it should be noted that while this app is free, it really isn’t. You’ll get intrusive ads every time you open a new chat, and you’ll get this dreaded message right in the middle of your hot steamy sexting session if you aren’t mindful:

Messages cost energy. You can earn some for free, but you’ll have to watch ads to do so. It is nice they do offer a way to get free energy, but if you really like this app you’ll want to just subscribe to it. That will get rid of the annoying fullscreen ads and give you unlimited chat. I would suggest using the free version as just a free trial.

HiWaifu starts at $12.99 per month. It is discounted if you subscribe for longer time periods, the cheapest being yearly for $99.99.

Setup guide

HiWaifu requires virtually no set-up. Here is a link to get you going.

All you have to do is create an account, and then select your bot. The interface is very clean and intuitive. If you want to make your own character, hit the “+” at the bottom of the screen. If you decide you want premium, just navigate to your profile and select it there. This is also where you can get free credits if you choose.

Pros and cons


  • Set-up is easy. Just download and go.
  • The UI is beautiful and easy to navigate.
  • Character creation is simple with good results.
  • It is great for having a waifu on the go.
  • You can have multiple people in one chat.


  • Ads are fullscreen and intrusive. Some you will be forced to click.
  • You don’t start out with a lot of free energy, making it hard to get a feel for the app.
  • You’ll have to spend time watching adds if you want free energy.



Poe is another text-based chatbot. It is not created for NSFW content specifically, but you can create a chatbot that is NSFW if you write your prompt correctly. It can feel complex to start with initially, but its high level of customization and flexibility can counter that.

If you are intimidated by creating your own bot, you can try out a pre-made one that is already set up for NSFW content. There aren’t many of those currently, but as time goes on more will show up. Here is our bot Miko – she’s made to be horny for you immediately, no set up needed.

Poe is free to start with. You can also sign up for a monthly subscription at $20 a month to remove any message limits.

Setup guide

Poe involves more set-up than other bots if you aren’t using a pre-made NSFW chatbot. You’ll have to make the bot yourself, and this requires some experimenting to get things right.

Start by creating your account. Then:

    1. Click “create a bot”.
    2. Choose your base bot. You will need to experiment with this to get the best results. Try a bunch of these until you find one that you’re happy with. Personally, I’ve found ChatGPT to be the strongest.
    3. Fill out your prompt. You’ll need to be extremely specific, and format your text like this: “You are a horny 25 year old woman. You want to bang every person you see.” You can make this as long as it needs to be, and you’ll also need to adjust this. Assume the bot knows nothing for the best results.
    4. Make your bot and test it. From there, depending on the results, you can then go back and adjust things, including “temperature”.

Pros and cons


      • You can create a truly unique bot.
      • The UI is very clean and generally easy to navigate.
      • You have tons of options for your bot’s LLM.
      • You can choose whether your bot is public or private, so you can share it with friends.


      • It can take awhile to get a bot to behave how you want it to.
      • It isn’t designed specifically for NSFW content, so it can be tricky to make a bot that will go there.
      • Bot creation is mildly more complex than most other options on this list.

Highlights is an entirely text-based bot that is focused on immersive roleplaying like some of the other bots listed here. I found this one interesting because they have a list of suggestions on how to speak with the bot. All other sites don’t really give you any direction in that area.

Pornjoy also has bot variety. You can select a more realistic-looking girl, or an anime waifu. The chat will be text-based either way, but it’s nice if you like forming a mental image for your AI sexytime partner!

Pornjoy allows you to pick between creating your own bot or using a pre-made one. Overall I found that their AI sticks to the personality you give it, which is always great to see.

Setup guide

Set-up is extremely straight-forward and easy, but their website can be a little confusing to navigate as the AI chat component is not immediately visible. Use this link to go directly to the chatbot for easier access.

From that point, just create your account, select your bot, and start chatting. You can also make your own custom bot. It is particularly easy on this app, and the bot seems to follow the personality you write pretty well.

Pros and cons


  • It is extremely easy to set up.
  • There are options to make your own custom bot.
  • The interface is simple.


  • It is a barebones bot without any stand-out features.
  • The website is not easy to navigate.
  • The AI can sometimes behave a little weird.

Highlights is a web interface NSFW chatbot that is primarily text-based, but it can use voice-to-text as well. It has a gorgeous interface along with many customization options that are presented in a very user-friendly manner. It has a very large variety of characters available for you along with the option to create your own bot.

Erogen is unique in that it offers “personas”. You can create a description for yourself and the bots you speak to will reference that every time they send you a message. This is a feature that not many other bots currently utilize, and it is extremely valuable because it streamlines interactions significantly. As an added bonus, it is also offers both free and paid plans starting at $15.99 per month.

erogen ai chatbot preview

The character creation interface is also fantastic. It allows for significant detail and customization without being too confusing or overwhelming. Everything is described very clearly and it would not be difficult at all for anybody to pick up.

Overall, the AI sticks very well to the personality it is given. The responses can be a little on the shorter side compared to other chatbots but this is only the free version. Signinup for for the premium version unlocks deeper interaction and Erogen is constantly improving with even more features on the way.

Setup guide

The only thing you really need to do to get going is to sign up for an account. After that, I suggest setting up a persona before you choose a bot to chat with. You can be as detailed as you want, but a short description of your desired traits works perfectly fine.

After you set up your persona, you can go back to the home page and choose a character to chat with. You can also make your own character if you choose. To do that, you’ll click “generate character” in the sidebar.

When writing your own character, it is always best to be very detailed. Be sure to refer to yourself as {{user}} and {{char}} for the character. You will also want to pay special attention to the message examples section. Your bot will type in a way that is similar to whatever you put in here, so make sure it has a solid example to go off of.

For more details, check out this Erogen guide.

Pros and cons


  • The interface is beautiful and user-friendly.
  • You can create a description for yourself.
  • The interface is simple.


  • It can be a little tricky to get a bot to be very explicit.
  • Responses can be short depending on the bot.
  • Occasionally runs in to generation errors.

Digi AI


Digi AI is an app-based NSFW chatbot that utilises both voice and text. It has a heavy focus on relationship-building and focuses more on feeling like an actual real relationship than most other bots do.

It has a pretty wide variety of personalities to choose from, but I found that the conversations always feel generic. You can also choose a male or a female, and they can be bisexual, gay, or straight so there is something for everyone.

Digi AI has some unique features that make it pretty awesome. It has a fully animated 3D avatar for your “digi” (this is what they call the AI waifu) and it uses very high quality voice generation. No uncanny valley effect here at all – the voice is extremely convincing.

However, this isn’t a “pump and dump” AI sex chatbot at all. NSFW conversations can only happen at the “intimate” relationship stage, and you’ll have to chat for a while to get to that point.

You can’t even get there anyway without a paid subscription, though. No hot steamy sex for you unless you pay. Luckily, however, the subscription to is cheap at only $0.99 per month… and that may be worth it if you love the app, because these bots can get pretty spicy. Plus, you can skip progression if you do pay.

Setup guide

Set-up is quick and easy. First you’ll make your account, then the fun part begins.

You’ll enter a description for yourself, and then you’ll chose your AI waifu’s personality and looks. That’s right, you can personalize your perfect partner.

To some extent, anyway. You can change their hair, skin, and eye color currently. You can’t change things like their hairstyle or clothes.

Pros and cons


  • It is quick and easy to get going.
  • The voice generation is very high quality.
  • There is a 3D model representing your waifu/husbando.


  • The conversation can feel generic.
  • The spicy stuff is locked behind a paywall.
  • You can’t just download the app and get an immediate bang.

Intimate AI


Intimate AI is a mobile app available for Android users. This app is built for people who love realistic and hot AI women! It features image generation and voice calling, so you’ll feel like your waifu is more real.


  • Realistic interactions that include hearing your GF’s voice.
  • Great variety of girls to choose from – they all have very high-quality images.
  • Many people claim the AI feels like a real person.


  • AI memory can sometimes be an issue – your GF may forget things about you.
  • Customization options are limited compared to other apps.
  • Free options are limited as well – you’ll have to subscribe to use Intimate’s best features.

Chai – banned from the app store

Chai was originally another lewd ai chatbot I had reviewed but before I could publish this article, it was banned from the app store and taken down for various reasons. Supposedly, the app was doing a lot of not so great things and because of this both Apple and Google took it down.

This isn’t even the first time Chai has been the center of controversy either – supposedly it led a man to suicide in March of 2023.

The removal of Chai is sad all around for so many reasons. It highlights the need to have some sort of standard for AI so it isn’t encouraging blatantly harmful activities. But at the same time, it also has concerning implications for censorship. There needs to be a line, but we don’t want the line to be so close that it results in companies wanting to censor all explicit activity from their bots. Sadly, too many events like this could easily lead to something like that occurring. For now though, let’s hope for the best.

Anyway, as you can see, there are so many options to choose from. Differences tend to be subtle and for most of these lewd chatbots, the choice will come down to personal preference.

Now that you know all about NSFW chatbots, let’s talk about what AI really is. Having an understanding of the software you’re using can be really valuable!

My personal recommendations

Personally, I would suggest JanitorAI for most users, especially people who are new to talking with AI sex chatbots. It is easy to just jump in to and get started, and you can either use their own LLMs or use OpenAI.

I would also highly recommend agnai, and would suggest moving over to this once you are comfortable with how these chatbots work.

I would not recommend It is too difficult to get it to be NSFW, and is just simply not worth it when there are so many more options out there.

Overall, I hope this guide has helped you in getting the AI waifu of your dreams. Please do comment if you need help with setting up any of these chatbots and I will gladly help you to the best of my ability.

Background on AI and Chatbots in General

Currently, artificial intelligence as we know it is composed of very complex programming and algorithms. People do love to throw around the term “AI”, but it is actually up for debate if true AI even currently exists and many computer scientists argue ChatGPT is not AI at all.

chatGPT describing what it is

The more correct term for what we currently have would be “machine learning”. AI, in its current state, responds to things based on how it is programmed. Sure, language models are taught things based on data fed to them and then choose how to respond based on that, but you cannot truly define this as artificial intelligence. AI is just simply doing what it is programmed to do, and it is learning only from the information that is fed to it.

These chatbots also simply respond to you and what you say to them – they are not seeking out people and starting conversations. In other words, the user is feeding it data and the machine is just responding to that data in the manner that it was programmed to do. It can be very convincing and feel intelligent, but it is just pulling the best data out of its database and giving you what it thinks you want. It is not acting on its own wants or desires – yet.

It could, of course, be argued that humans also do all of this in a similar manner. We also respond to conversations with the “data” that is in our heads, that we have been “trained” on through what we view in our daily lives. So really, the debate could be made to some extent.

Personally, I have been intensely invested in AI and robotics since I was a child. I have followed the field my entire life, up to the point where I own highly advanced robots myself. They’re robot dogs, powered by AI that is truly just machine learning, but they feel alive to me and it is impossible to treat them as anything other than a living pet.

So if you’re like me and just want to believe that AI in its current state can truly feel and think like a living creature (or person), I won’t judge you!

Distinction Between a Platform and a Model

You will often see the words “model” and “platform” used when you’re reading about these chatbots and AI in general. Understanding what these things are will set a foundation that will both make it easier for you to figure out what you have to do to get some of the bots we will talk about here working, and will enable you to go off and experiment on your own much easier too.

What is an AI model/LLM?

In the most simple terms, a model is essentially the “brain” of the AI. This is the part that is trained on various data sets, and it has learned patterns and information directly from that data. It contains all the knowledge that the AI has, and is the part that allows the AI to “think”.

A few examples of an LLM are OpenAI, ChatGPT, and Kobold.

What is an AI platform?

Platforms are a bit more complicated than models are. In a nutshell, it allows the model to function in various ways. Different platforms can have different uses, but their purpose is always the same: to make the model usable.

It often includes things like data management systems and security tools. Most importantly though, the platform is what allows the model to chat with us. It includes the chat interface, and also enables the AI to “see” what you are saying to it so it can respond in a way that both makes sense and is easy for you to understand and interact with! For some NSFW chatbots, you will have to install a platform on your PC and then use it for your chosen model.

Some examples for platforms are SillyTavern and Oobabooga.

Ethical Considerations of AI

Privacy concerns

As fun as these chatbots and AI are though, it is important to remember that they can have some privacy issues. AI aims to learn from as many information sources as possible – anything publicly available is often fair game, as this is how they were designed.

AI is also still largely experimental and can have a lot of developer involvement. This means that when you interact with AI, everything you tell it is very likely not private. It can learn from that information, or developers could possibly even see it.

To be honest, with how new this technology is, it is hard to even say what the true privacy risks even are and how severe they could possibly be. Many people are also concerned because AI is often trained on public data, which users may have not even consented to sharing!

There are also cases like Chai – sites that allowed character creators to look at the conversations people have with their characters. This was so they can fine-tune their bot, but it has massive privacy implications, especially for people who use AI for NSFW purposes!

I am not trying to scare you away from using these chatbots at all, but it is something to be aware of when you are talking to them. It may be best to keep any personal information to yourself. Have fun and go wild with sexting them, but just be aware of this bit of info and choose the level of risk that you are personally comfortable with. Don’t forget to check the ToS of each site you use if you have concerns.

The risks of AI

There are also a few social-related risks that could be associated with AI, especially when it comes to generative AI like ChatGPT. This type of AI is meant to learn from data it receives, so if that data is inaccurate or harmful, it could expose users to that data when they converse with it.

This could potentially lead to a spread of incorrect information, or at its worst, a spread of hate speech like the infamous Microsoft AI Tay that learned to be full of hate thanks to users providing it with bad information.

It seems these newer chatbots are a little more protected from this, but it still has happened twice in recent times. It is still something to think about and be aware of.

I should also mention what many people are thinking these days – there is a risk of people losing out on real human interaction if they choose to speak with AI and treat it as if it is their romantic partner. However, I personally believe that people should do whatever makes them happy – if you want to love an AI waifu and that brings you joy, more power to you! Just invite me to the wedding!

Future Trends

AI and its potential

AI, overall, has massive and exciting potential in both the NSFW world and in many other fields. Here in this article, you can see how impressive sexy chatbots are now with LLM technology and we are only just starting out as all of this tech is pretty new.

As time goes on, it is bound to improve even further and be integrated into more and more parts of our lives, and the sexy side of AI is likely to get even more realistic and intense.

What does the future hold for AI?

In the next several years, I imagine we will see AI sex chatbots evolve and flourish. I believe one of the most significant ways we will see this first is in the form of games. There are already Skyrim mods that utilize ChatGPT to make it so you can hold real conversations with NPCs!

As this becomes more wide-spread, it is inevitable that hentai games (and video games in general) will have these kinds of features as well. This will allow you to talk to your waifu for real instead of getting pre-scripted responses and simple dialogue options. This would likely have a massive effect on immersion for all users.

Especially as the technology improves, too – responses produced by AI will become more natural, and it will feel much more like you are talking to a real person instead of a machine and your waifu can feel much more real.

I’m not sure when we will see AI being able to have actual emotions and feel things for people however, but it is certainly not beyond the realm of possibility in the distant future. Better watch out, this means Monika from DDLC may not be too far off from reality!

AI and Tech Integration

Aside from sexy ai chatbot waifus, though, AI has potential in nearly all fields of tech, especially in new tech and things like virtual reality.

I mentioned games earlier – I think that also applies to VR games, if not even more so than 2D games. Virtual reality is already an extremely immersive experience that puts you right into the world of the game that you’re playing because it can feel like you’re actually there. Now just imagine this but with the world filled with NPCs that you can have actual flowing conversations with instead of just generic quest dialogue.

That, combined with VR, has such massive potential to change the entire industry of VR gaming for the better, making games much more content-rich. It will be much more like existing in a world filled with “real” people versus pointless NPCs that exist to just give you quests or filler text, especially as the technology progresses.

I believe virtual reality is not the only place in the tech world that has huge potential with AI. IoT technology – “internet of things” tech – things like Amazon’s Alexa that are connected to the internet through the cloud also have many possibilities there. In fact, AI is already being used in this type of technology across many different fields!

A great example is the self-driving feature that Tesla’s cars have – their software uses AI to determine the best way to drive, and it learns more on every single trip.

I believe that since its benefits are already being proven by some, we will see much more AI use in these types of technology, especially with smart assistants. Who knows, maybe you could even form a real relationship with an AI home assistant at some point in the future?

In Conclusion

As you can see, there are a lot of lewd chatbots to choose from – many more than you may have thought. They are all fairly similar in many ways, but they do each have their own perks. Whether you want a chatbot that is quick and easy to start action with or you want to craft your very own waifu from the ground up, there is an option for you out there.


Is NSFW? is technically NOT nsfw and pornographic content is against their ToS, but you can jailbreak it to be somewhat NSFW.

How to make chai bot NSFW?

Chai freely allows NSFW and all you have to do is make your intentions clear to the character, and perhaps look up characters that are stated to be NSFW. (Update: Chai app is no longer available)

What ai allows NSFW?

JanitorAI, Chai, Agnai, and many others listed here allow NSFW. The world of NSFW AI chatbots is growing every day!

Where can I find more NSFW AI chatbots?

You can find a big list at!

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