Note from the author:
Hello everyone!
Most of the vr porn games are created by small team, and most of the time, by a solo developer. Be aware that some of the games might be in an unplayable state and will get better overtime, with support from fans. Please keep in mind that when you buy a copy of the game, you do not buy a bug-free game, but you support the developer(s), wich will help them make their game(s) better. That being said, let’s move ahead to the fun part!

Today, LewdVRgames is happy to bring to you, excited VR players, a review for the adult VR game called: After School Girlfriend (Oculus Quest version)
Created by the developer Nekuma, After School Girlfriend is a sexy VR hentai game, where you have the chance to interact with a naughty girl. Have fun with her in various environments, such as a classroom and her room, for example.
Some aspect of the girl can be customized (like her breast and thigh, for example) but don’t get your hopes to high for customization since it is a bit limited.
Her hairstyle can be customized in two parts: the front and the back, so it gives a bit more variety to be added to the customization feature.
Players can enjoy some sexy scenes, but it will need effort and patience since it is ”very glitchy” to navigate through the menus and to move around the place.
But If you like hentai-style sex games, i recommend you try it out.
The developer Nekuma is active on bringing updates so make sure to support him/her if you like the game so far, and to see the game getting better overtime.
Control & Menus
One of the most interesting, but yet pretty glitchy, feature of this game is: hand tracking. Some issues are inevitable from the hand-tracking feature, wich will make you wish it had controller support, but unfortunately, it is hand-tracking ONLY.
Movement could be more convenient then having to nudge your head to move in the room, wich is another reason why controller support would be truly appreciated (see advice below).
In the interactive menu, you can customize some aspects of the girl, such as the hairstyle, breast and thigh size. Its still important to keep in mind though, that with the hand-tracking issues, it can be hard to navigate through the menu, so make sure to check-out the advice below, to help you enjoy this sexy vr game.

Graphics and Environment
This is a vr sex game for people who enjoys the cute ”hentai” style, over realism. If you are looking into playing a realistic game, this is not for you. Needless to say, if you like ”hentai style games”, you will indeed be pleased by the ambiance established by the colorful environment, from her classroom to her room.

Well, it is no lie to anyone: we cannot fix the bugs ourself… but, we can use ‘tricks’ to avoid crumbling under the issues and give up, because after all, the game is worth the try once you get through the frustration. Here’s some advice to help you enjoy the game:
Hand-tracking issues: There’s not much the dev can do to make the hand-tracking 100% stable, but it help greatly to play in a room surrounded with good lighting. Good lighting is the best way to make sure to have a ”somehow” stable hand-tracking session on Oculus Quest.
Navigating the menu: The best and simple advice for navigating the menu, is to take your time! And when i say take your time, i mean it! Do not hurry into the options or it will accidentally press multiple random choices in the menu. You need to navigate the menu very slowly to make sure to be able to actually click where you want.
Menu opening is glitchy: One of the trick to be able to use the interactive menu correctly, is to use the back of your hand to press an option, once the menu is opened. That way, the menu will not close every time you try to choose an option after opening the menu, since you will ‘gently’ press with the back of your hand without even turning your hand around.
Moving by nudging the head: I wish i could tell you a solution to avoid having to nudge every time you want to move, but i cannot..the only thing i can do, is to advice on how to do it without hurting your nose-bridge bone each time you move around.The simple and yet still not perfect, solution, is to hold your headset with your hands when moving forward. Grab the sides of the headset with your hands, and make it go up and down quickly to move your character.

After School Girlfriend is a beautiful and fun sexy VR game, but to be able to actually enjoy it, you need to get through the bugs and glitches, and most of those glitches comes from the hand-tracking function.
I still suggest, to everyone who likes ”hentai style” games, to support de developer Nekuma, and give the game a try!
The first thing you need to keep in mind before trying out this hentai VR game for the first time, is to remind yourself, that you did not buy a fully functional product, you bought a copy of the ”work in progress” to support Nekuma, to help him/her push the project further and make it better.
The reason why its important to be aware of the game issues, is because you will indeed have a hard time exploring the menu and options, and it will prevent you from seeing the good parts of the game, if you ‘give up’ to quickly.
But please, don’t give up to quickly! Some advice in this review should help you avoid some issues and enjoy the gameplay, to ensure you can have a taste of what ”After School Girlfriend” can offer, as a hentai VR game.
Enjoy your time and have a juicy gameplay!