Super Deep Princess

(1 customer review)

This fun VR sex game explores an alternate universe where magic lamps become magic sticks. Play as a dastardly warlock who gains access to the crown jewels. The game is free but please consider supporting the developer by naming your own price or visiting the Furrier Patreon page.

Suggested price: $5.00

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Super Deep Princess Game Description

A generic Arabian princess is captured by a wizard and subjected to his evil desires. Despite her best efforts, she can’t resist the grand vizier’s spell. The longer the princess plays the role of his sex slave, the more she begins to question her true nature. Is she really that helpless against the wizard’s magical powers? Or was this her secret fantasy all along?

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1 review for Super Deep Princess

  1. lewdreviewer

    Very basic gameplay (almost just a VR sex scene viewer) but I give it extra points for the red Jasmine theme.

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